NPTEL Programming in Java Week 12 Assignment Answers 2024

NPTEL's Programming in Java Week 12 Assignment, it's imperative to grasp the nuances and provide comprehensive answers that showcase proficiency in Java programming. Let's navigate through the questions and furnish adept responses to ensure success in this assignment.

Question 1: Implementing Inheritance

NPTEL  Programming in Java Week 12 Assignment Answers 2024

In the first question, the focus is on implementing inheritance in Java. Utilizing the extends keyword, we establish a subclass that inherits properties and behaviors from a superclass. This facilitates code reusability and promotes a hierarchical structure. Ensure clarity and coherence in your code to demonstrate a profound understanding of inheritance concepts.

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Q1. Which of the following statements are correct and would NOT cause a compilation error?

a. iii, iv, v, vi

Answer: Option a is correct. Statements iii, iv, v, and vi would not cause a compilation error.

Q2. What is the result, if the following program is executed?

a. “finally”

Answer: Option a is correct. The output would be "finally".

Q3. What is the output of the following program?

b. ava

Answer: Option b is correct. The output would be "ava".

Q4. If you run this program, how many threads will be executed altogether?

b. Two threads only.

Answer: Option b is correct. Two threads will be executed altogether.

Q5. Which of the following method is used to set a frame, say f with size 300 × 200 pixels?

a. f.setSize(300, 200);

Answer: Option a is correct. The method f.setSize(300, 200) is used to set the size of the frame to 300 × 200 pixels.

Q6. Which of the following control expressions are valid for an if statement?

b. ii, iii

Answer: Option b is correct. Valid control expressions for an if statement are Boolean expressions (ii) and expressions with mixed arithmetic (iii).

Q7. Which of the following options correctly initializes the elements of the numbers array with values 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5?

d. numbers = new int[]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

Answer: Option d is correct. This option initializes the array numbers with the specified values.

Q8. Which of the following options correctly extracts and prints the word “World” from the str string?

a. System.out.println(str.substring(7, 12));

Answer: Option a is correct. This option correctly extracts and prints the word "World" from the str string.

Q9. What will be the output of this program?

d. false false

Answer: Option d is correct. The output will be "false false".

Q10. What will be the output of this program?

c. “Arithmetic exception occurred Finally block executed”

Answer: Option c is correct. The output will be "Arithmetic exception occurred Finally block executed".

Question 2: Handling Exceptions

Exception handling is paramount in Java programming to address runtime errors effectively. Employ try-catch blocks to encapsulate code that may throw exceptions, ensuring graceful handling of unforeseen circumstances. Implement robust error-handling mechanisms to enhance the reliability and resilience of your Java applications.

Question 3: Working with Interfaces

Interfaces play a pivotal role in achieving abstraction and implementing multiple inheritances in Java. By defining a contract of methods without specifying their implementation, interfaces facilitate loose coupling and promote flexibility in software design. Embrace interface-based programming to foster modularity and maintainability in your Java projects.

Question 4: Mastering Polymorphism

Polymorphism empowers Java developers to write code that can operate on objects of various types, promoting flexibility and extensibility. Leverage method overriding and method overloading to exhibit polymorphic behavior, enabling dynamic dispatch and runtime binding. Embrace polymorphism as a cornerstone of object-oriented programming to unlock the full potential of Java's expressive power.

Question 5: Optimizing Performance

In the final question, focus shifts towards optimizing performance in Java applications. Employ efficient data structures and algorithms to minimize time and space complexities, fostering scalability and responsiveness. Emphasize profiling and benchmarking techniques to identify and rectify performance bottlenecks, ensuring optimal execution of your Java programs.

Conclusion: Achieving Mastery in Java Programming

As we conclude our exploration of NPTEL's Programming in Java Week 12 Assignment, remember to approach each question with diligence and ingenuity. Harness the power of inheritance, exception handling, interfaces, polymorphism, and performance optimization to craft elegant and efficient Java solutions. By mastering these fundamental concepts, you pave the path towards becoming a proficient Java developer capable of tackling diverse challenges with confidence and finesse.

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