NPTEL The Joy of Computing using Python Week 12 Assignment Answers 2024

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NPTEL The Joy of Computing using Python Week 12  Assignment Answers 2024

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Q1. Which of the following is NOT a factor considered in Google’s current search algorithms?

a) PageRank

b) Content relevance

c) User experience

d) None of the above

Answer: d) None of the above

Q2. In a weighted social network graph, what might the edge weights represent?

a) The time of interaction between users

b) The strength of a relationship

c) The number of shared interests

d) All of the above

Answer: d) All of the above

Q3. What is the purpose of a random walk in graph analysis?

a) To find the shortest path between two nodes

b) To explore the entire graph and discover its properties

c) To prioritize nodes based on their degree

d) To determine the central node in the graph

Answer: b) To explore the entire graph and discover its properties

Q4. Which of the following are real-world applications of directed graphs? (MSQ)

a) Social Media Friendship Graph

b) Family Tree

c) Linking of Websites

d) Airline Route Representation

e) Königsberg bridge problem

Answer: a) Social Media Friendship Graph, c) Linking of Websites, d) Airline Route Representation

Q5. Read the given code. Enter the number of elements in incoming_edges_D(NAT)

Answer: [Missing code]

Q6. Which of the following statements about PageRank is true?

a) It only considers the number of links, not their weights

b) All web pages start with the same initial PageRank score

c) PageRank is the only factor that determines search engine rankings

d) None of the above

Answer: b) All web pages start with the same initial PageRank score

Q7. In the Collatz sequence, if a starting value is a power of 2, how many iterations are needed to reach the cycle (4, 2, 1)?

a) One iteration

b) Number of Iterations would be logarithmic in the size of the starting value

c) Number of Iterations would be linear in the size of the starting value

d) None of the above

Answer: a) One iteration

Q8. For how many positive integers below 200 does the Collatz sequence not reach 1?

a) 0

b) 25

c) 10

d) 20

Answer: b) 25

Q9. Which of the following statements is true about the Collatz conjecture?

a) It has been proven to be true for all positive integers.

b) It is known to be false for certain classes of numbers.

c) It remains an open problem, and its status is unknown.

d) It only applies to prime numbers.

Answer: c) It remains an open problem, and its status is unknown.

NPTEL Discussion Forums: Engage with fellow learners on NPTEL's discussion forums. You might find discussions related to the assignment questions, clarifications from instructors, or even hints from other participants.

Online coding communities: Platforms like Stack Overflow, GitHub, or Reddit's programming communities often have discussions and solutions related to specific programming assignments. You might find helpful insights or even complete solutions from other learners or programmers who have already tackled similar problems.

Python documentation and tutorials: If you're struggling with specific Python concepts or syntax required for the assignment, referring to official Python documentation or online tutorials (such as those on W3Schools, Real Python, or the official Python website) can be beneficial.

YouTube tutorials: Many educational YouTubers create tutorials specifically geared towards NPTEL courses or Python programming in general. Searching for tutorials related to the topics covered in Week 12 of "The Joy of Computing using Python" might provide additional clarity and guidance.

Utilize these resources by thoroughly studying the course materials provided by NPTEL, actively participating in discussions to clarify doubts, seeking guidance from online communities when needed, and practicing coding regularly to reinforce your understanding of Python concepts.

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